
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Looking at cells!

This term Team 5's science inquiry is about Genomics which is biology looking at cell structures, DNA, sequencing and how all living things are connected.
We've finally got up to the part where we learn about human cells and the nerve system. Here is a short video clip that our Team 5 teachers did as part of our immersion assembly at the start of the term. By the end of this term, we hope to know this off by heart.

Monday, 19 August 2019


Walt: Learn about the zebra-fish

Task description: Over the past week we have been learning about zebra-fish and they're very interesting. Did you know that Zebra-fish are the only animal with organs most like humans? Wicked thought right? So although we look physically more like the monkey family, Zebra-fish are the ones who have the same organs as us humans. Check out our slide deck for more information.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Can Science explain the origins of life?

Walt: Can science explain the origin of life ?

Task description: Today we watched a video about the question can science explain the origin of life?